One Bloc For Peace

2 min readNov 28, 2021

Article by: Al Jazeera

James Bays

During the Press Conference, I had the opportunity to interview delegates from the DISEC of the United Nations. Turkey and Russia attend this press conference. Before journalists asked the representatives about their stances, both explained what was happening in their council.

The delegate of Turkey explained that armed drones are essential things and they have many benefits. That kind of drone is controversial, but the United Nations member states should accept that to keep peacebuilding. To fulfil that wish, Turkey suggests using armed drones to control sovereignty and security in each country.

Turkey also points out their discussions in DISEC, such as the framework, the type of drones that will be used, humanitarian aid, security, and privacy concerns. They also explained the working paper, which is improving the adoption of peacekeeping drones, regulation in using armed drones, capacity building, managing challenges in peacekeeping drones.

Russian Federation delegates add some points, such as their attention to research more about the drone strictly. They also mention that DISEC only has one bloc because its purpose is for peace.

I, as the Aljazeera journalist, ask about the strategy of using drones to keep peacebuilding. The delegate of Turkey mentions article 2 in their working paper, which explains the regulations in using armed drones.

